Prescription Shop pharmacy has been a locally owned and operated pharmacy for over 56 years.

Kim Jones is the proud owner who loves "caring for you like family" in her pharmacy. Kim and her wonderful staff is very friendly and knowledgeable.

Please stop by and see for yourself.

  • Most prescriptions filled in 10 minutes or less
  • Compounding
  • Immunization services including flu, pneumonia, shingles, travel medicine vaccines
  • Free local delivery
  • Sales and Rental of medical equipment (wheel chairs, walkers, canes, bathroom safety, compression & surgical stockings)
  • Diabetic supplies
  • Health screenings

"Providing excellent patient care is the main priority here at Prescription Shop | Stuart."

Kim Jones
  • Tarjetas ocasionales
  • Recargas automáticas
  • Regalos
  • Recargas de medicamento
  • Equipos médicos
  • Servicio gratuito a entregas locales
  • Envio de medicamentos
  • Preparación de medicamentos
  • Recetas para su mascota

It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi